To provide white glove delivery of highly secure, scalable, mobile, customizable cloud based solutions far beyond broadband. Simply put, we bridge the gap between rhetoric and reality at a rational price point.
Developing a collaborative partnership translates into enabling the coexistence of technology providers linked to a national private core network built upon reliability, accessibility, capacity and security while being easily extendable via public and private network connections.
For hosted applications, you can sleep easy knowing your information is running in bi-coastal / private data centers. Simplified East & West Coast hosting allows you to achieve an SLA up to 99.999%.
One of our SE's will sit down with you and gather your needs and show you Priseda's portfolio.
We will make a detailed design plan with your key network components and requests for you to review.
Everything is tested in our lab environment prior to deployment. We will build and tweak to your needs.
Once approved, Priseda engineers will deploy the network/services and train your appropriate resources.